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How late can I plant a Tillage Radish cover crop?
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Ed Winkle
Posted 10/11/2012 14:23 (#2634917 - in reply to #2634834)
Subject: Re: How late can I plant a Tillage Radish cover crop?

Martinsville, Ohio
Never once did I think that was a waste but Terry could be right. I understand his message, that of sales beyond self and making recommendations for others.

We are discussing ideas and people want input. I would waste my money on the attempt, I would not recommend others to do what I do.

Rich, 1-2 lbs per ac seems to get the effect. When the wheat comes out of dormancy, mine has a different color, a darker blue green purplish tint to it and I don't know what all happens biologically and chemically to make that happen. I have seen it time and time again.

Normally my radishes don't die until Christmas but each year is different. If they stay alive for 30 days they have a good chance of improving my soil biology and perhaps fertility a little.

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