S.E. Sask. | And the old vibra chisel did pretty good as a compromise. I knew one neighbour that was all he had for primary tillage, seed bed preparation, etc. The vibra chisel had wider shank spacing and I think a little heavier built than the "Vibra shank" which was a field cultivator for light secondary tillage. Here is my "chisel plow". A morris magnum with heavy trips and frame, anything from 4 inch chisels for spring spiking stubble to 16 inch sweeps for summerfallow later on. 33 feet (12 inch spacing) is no problem for any 140 hp tractor and up in this part of the world. We don't have to work as deep as you guys in the south. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtSL8wPXClM |