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What is the good and bad about a Agco/Allis 8610 FWD ?
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John In Ontario
Posted 9/8/2012 23:02 (#2582304 - in reply to #2581683)
Subject: Re: What is the good and bad about a Agco/Allis 8610 FWD ?

Ripley, Ontario Canada
The good they are worth $200 a ton plus the tires here, the bad, well I had a 6105 white which is pretty much the same only liquid cooled. I had a shaft seize in the transmission, the transmission housing bolts break, and coolant in the motor in about 2000 hours. The heater wasn't enough to keep the windows clear in winter. Was nice enough to drive, just couldn't keep it running. I would keep looking for something else. I replaced with an 8785 Agco Allis and it has been a good tractor.
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