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Two way radios on a large network or not?
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Posted 8/28/2012 00:58 (#2562477 - in reply to #2562398)
Subject: RE: B.S.


Unless we're talkin handheld then maybe, most good mobile radios should do 15-20 unless your in a city or extremely hilly terrain,as stated in above post line of sight  Is that $30 per radio ? That's obscene  Put up you own repeater if you feel you need it for coverage. To prove his selling point he should give you a couple radios not on his service so you can see for your self. Bet they won't. Radio life should be very good if their not abused or in tough enviroment, 10 to 20 yrs would be reasonable. I had 10 mi coverage with handhelds with a 60 ft tower and small gain ant.

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