north central indiana | Sounds like your in good shape. With early beans usually need to plant them thick in tight rows to get the heighth to harvest them. Alot more people up north could grow doublecrop beans planting tight rows higher population. If your already 10 inches your prob okay. Sometime early ones mature way to quick planting late and sometimes a 3-5 will stay green till frost and a 3-8 will mature right depending on how it handles planting after the solstice. With days growing shorter before emergence, maturity is pretty much out the window planting late. Just have to find one that doesn't mature too quick and gets the heighth to harvest. Around here its about the mid range of what you normally plant. Like here we plant 2-5 to 4-0 and a 3-2 or 3-5 generally works best late. A 4-0 wont mature before a frost but a 2-5 wont get tall enough to harvest. I cheat heighth by planting at 250000 and it grows tall by competing for light. Theywont lodge planting late like a early april planted bean. They wont branch out hardly either so planting wider rows and lower population just cuts your yields down. Usually if you grow same company wheat and beans, the beans are half price
Edited by usernametaken 8/10/2012 10:31
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