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john deere 4955 mfwd good bad and ugly?
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Posted 6/2/2012 17:10 (#2410886 - in reply to #2410297)
Subject: Had a 4755 MFWD...

Check where the front axle pivots. Especially the front side.

If it has a a lot of wear and the grease channels get worn down the grease will squirt out the bottom side while the pin wears thru the bushing and into the casting. It will be behind a big washer and you won't notice it. The casting that is the front end of the tractor. Not good. But can be fixed.

JD said you are supposed to jack the front end up when you grease it to take the pressure off the top side.

Watch the water pump.

The door never did shut tight or right. All glass, no frame.

Was a good high hp tractor with a smooth power shift.
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