Nusbaum Farms LLC Bellfountain, OR | 9700 - 5/10/2012 05:33
Nice replacements! The re-thresher is going to look very familiar to you.
Yes! That's part of what we like about the NH's...a lot of the design is very similar to MF's.....just executed a whole lot better. I do like the fact that NH splits the returns 2 ways rather than dumping it all on the RH side like MF. We had a lot of trouble with fine crap from the rethresher plugging up the RH side of the shaker pan under the RH walker. Let it go on too long and it would build up to the point that the walker would actually hit it and crack the walker out. The NH has spike tooth rethreshers rather than the mini-rasp bars that the MF's had. Not sure how I feel about that yet. And the drive system looks way better. We shall see.
-Orin |