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Need a loader for my JD2955.....suggestions?
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Tim in WI
Posted 5/8/2012 22:38 (#2375413 - in reply to #2375311)
Subject: Re: Need a loader for my JD2955.....suggestions?

Embarrass WI

I would verify that the 148 fit before buying it. I don't think they will work on a MFWD.

I have owned a 148, a 158, and a 245. I have been around 260's and 265's. I think you would be best served with a 265 if you can find one. I am sure the newer JD's are just as good or better, other brands will work too, it is just that I know the JD #'s.

A 2955 MFWD will put a strain on a loader, make sure you get a good one. 

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