Columbia Basin, Ephrata, WA | The first 6x10 machines are almost 20 years old. Are there any left that have not had the updates?
You can remove a lot of the electrical components that give the most grief (automatic sharpening and shearbar adjust) and still be no worse off than a 5000 series owner. I had an early 6950 that we bought for a price that some people still want for the 5830's, but it had twice the capacity. With a good rebuild and minimal electric stuff, it didn't miss too many days, and a call to Kansas could usually get it back in action in short order on the bad days. Ran it up to nearly 6,000 hours.
Your neighbor with the 6610 is not a good example. That machine does not have the horsepower to plug a KP without a good bit of human error, either by the operator or the guy in the shop. Any machine will quickly become a poor performer if it's not maintained and run right.