Thompsontown, Pennsylvania | kickinbull - 3/9/2012 According to USDA 51 percent of the milk is produced by farms of over 1000 cows and 23 percent is of farms with over 2000. The pressure is being put on smaller farms to comply with this new standard. A lot of the larger farms are feeding TMR's. Which include an antibotic that is for "feed effiency" which is approved by FDA.
Ummm....what in the world....does this have to do with milking ducks?!!! seriously, the size disparity of dairies and TMR's and the use of rumensin has NOTHING to do with the new SCC feed a high rumensin diet which would be the "feed efficiency" antibiotic (lol) and i milk 40 cows....not 400....not 40 hundred....40......lmao
Edited by kylesupplee 3/9/2012 20:08