NC Iowa | Edit- After reading Ed's reply this information may be old and not relevant, but it's still interesting.
I was researching the product and found this study. This was from a research study done on the sabrex product, paid for by ABM. I emailed the company to ask if they had completed hybrid trials, but I heard nothing back. I have nothing bad or good to say about the product, I was just interested in learning about trichoderma.
There is a strong maize genetic component in the response to
T22. Yield decreases have been noted in commercial trials and we
verified these results in replicated field trials at Cornell in 2002
with the hybrid Sgi1860 × Sgi1861. A seed treatment with T22
reduced yields in plots fertilized with a range of nitrogen levels
and types (ammonium nitrate or composted chicken manure).
Tests with a range of inbred lines suggest that the eventual yield
response can be predicted from seedling growth tests similar to
those shown in Figure 2A. In these tests, several inbreds gave
strongly positive growth responses similar to those of Mo17,
whereas others gave weak positive responses and a few responded
negatively. A rapid screening procedure for inbreds and hybrids
should result in greater and more consistent yield increases in
maize with T22 seed treatment than has been the case thus far.
Edited by mafrif 3/6/2012 21:52
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