| Ours is a corn/soybean farm. We use a rotation of 80% corn, 20% soybeans. Field operations consist of one pass with DMI Field Cultivator & Dmi crumbler, one pass with CIH 1200 planter, one pass with JD 6500 sprayer (two passes on the soybeans), one pass with the New Holland TR 99 combine and a grain cart, one pass with CIH turbo disk on the corn stalks, one pass with the DMI 530 ripper on the corn stalks. This took 5.5 gallons per acre in 2011, most of it was used with the turbo disk and ripper. The grain was hauled from the field directly to the local elevator, a distance of 4 to 10 miles one way, which added another 0.9 gallons per acre. Total fuel use was 6.4 gallons per acre in 2011. Our fertilizer and nitrogen were custom applied and not included in the 6.4 gallons per acre. | |