east central nebraska | jbgruver - 2/22/2012 15:14
I didn't really expect any of the students to have an exact answer but I thought some might be able to quickly come up with a number in the right ball park.
Do you think you would have thought 50 gal/a was a reasonable sounding # when you were 20?
Earlier in the class I mentioned that Native Americans planted about 4000 hills of corn per acre with a few plants per hill and asked how that compared to the corn populations planted on their farms.
very few had any idea :-<
It surprises me, however I was married at that age ( yes, married at age 19- by choice mind you- yeah I know, what was I thinking ) and farming. I would say when I was in high school most of my fellow farm kids would have known plant pop. and relative amount of fert. on corn, but fuel used/acre and herbicide rates not so much. The more I think about your question could it stem from the fact that today's students have had such an easy path in life ( cell phones, google for answers to anything , quiet cabs full of bells and whistles, no real want for anything) that the need for problem solving or even thinking what it takes to make things happen in life, has not ben necessary for them yet ?
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