| An old friend (grad. of Bernard Baruch Bus. College & so intelligent it is scary) indicates the intercept to buy corn & bean acres is 2.8 (new crop beans 2.8 times new crop corn).
A very prominent international weather outfit is forecasting a dry cornbelt 2008 season. I have trouble with long term forecasts, as weather is less predictable than march wheat..however, it is largely based upon sunspot activity for which there is some correlation.
As I understand the current weather model, they are talking a freeze potential for the northern parts of west texas early next week.
Wheat -Corn & beans did well for which I am thankful. If you check the NOAA website & review the global weather model (based upon La Nina activity) it suggests continued dry weather in Brazil over the next 3 months.
These markets have become focused on crude oil, natural gas & gold in view of the dollar collapse...reminds me of the 70's.
I seldom dream. Or if I do, I seldom remember. Last night I was touring Australia with a short, thin fellow with wire rimmed glasses who drove like a 'bat out of h..." & we stopped in a small town whereby I purchased a new beige suit. Not too exciting. I am obviously thinking too much about wheat.
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