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GSI Top Dry vs. Tower Dryer (I know this has been discussed alot already.)
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Posted 1/19/2012 06:50 (#2171092 - in reply to #2171037)
Subject: Re: GSI Top Dry vs. Tower Dryer (I know this has been discussed alot already.)

Central Minnesota
We were in the same boat... Never worried about cleaning the screens on ours. There were a few of them over the years that started on fire in the area. But if i remember correctly it was the "full storage" switch that wouldn't work properly, or was mounted to high up in the bin, and the corn would actually flow into the fan and burner unit, and that's what was causing it. One of the nice things about those top dry's was they didn't need cleaning like any tower or screen dryer. A couple of years ago, i believe it was 2009, we had some pretty wet corn around here, and it was late. I remember alot of people complaining abuot towers and screen dryers always having to be cleaned. And it seemed once you had them set, they were very consistent.
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