| I'll have to agree here with kooiker, Go find yourself a good 2-105 white much better tractor with that 354 perkins heck off a little tractor I own one &I'll tell ya its the little tractor that could! Excellent chorin tractor feed wagon, grinder mixer, excellent hayin tractor small square baler, side delivery rake, V-rake, 10ft disk mower, in the fall augers, gravity wagons the list goes on&on wouldn't give that little 105 up fer nuthin! my 16 yr old boy would kill me if I did. That old 1855, well, to many bad experiences years ago guys, that 310 waukesha just wasn't reliable at all, had to be a seasoned mechanic just to own one, wasn't meant to be turbo charged or ran at high rpms either they would just scatter! Alot of them old olivers were just money pits it seemed like. And this is coming from a die-hard WFE guy! oliver had a serious brain fart with these ole 55 series tractors! run away unless you want to be fixin all the time instead of workin' out in the field or around the barn yard like you should be! ya you could by it cheap but as a mechanic away from farmin' steer clear pal, reliability is an issue with alot of these old oli's | |