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What are "mudder tractors" ?
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Posted 1/8/2012 14:32 (#2149964 - in reply to #2149937)
Subject: RE: What are "mudder tractors" ?

New London, Wisconsin
Generally they are a high clearance narrow tire version. I have a John Deere 6410 that is the mudder version, also know as a high crop. It's a factory setup geared appropriately for the tire size which in my case still has smaller ones on the front altho not that small. 13.6-38 fronts and 13.6-46 rears. I'm not a veggie, rice or cane grower and it turn heads around here in NE Wisconsin, but it is the clear ticket for my 20 inch corn rows.

After reading my owners manual I understand there is one gear in the transfer case to the front that could be changed to make or unmake a mudder version of this model.
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