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1855 oliver
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Posted 1/5/2012 20:29 (#2145167 - in reply to #2145136)
Subject: Re: 1855 oliver

I wouldn't say very good. They were an ok tractor. They were crude, meaning they had a non synchronized transmission, the hydraulics operate like a toggle switch and the steering is generally worn out if they moldboard plowed with it at all. That continuous turn to the left gets old after a while.

The 1855 diesel had the 310 Waukesha engine in them. If you do not know the prior history on the tractor plan on pulling it down to put the one piece wrist pin bushings in it, if you don't you will be soon enough. If you plan on working it hard make sure you have a spare head gasket around. The 1850 diesel was a much better tractor as it had the 6.354 perkins engine in it, but Oliver managed to screw those up with their own flywheel that breaks the centers out, and the perkins also had a tendency to push the camshaft out the side of the block the hard way. Not a real fan of Olivers for "work" tractors. After owning an 1850, I would pass on the 1855.
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