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Why does Monsanto have such a negative public image compared to the other seed companies?
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Posted 1/4/2012 08:42 (#2142237 - in reply to #2141449)
Subject: Re: correct Blackfox

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

quote, ( Tom- I think you may have hit the nail on the head... these agro-chem companies want control of virtually all aspects of the production process (except the real hard physical labor and risk of loss, of course) From the pre-plant chemical, seed, post emerge chemicals, harvest, and marketing, they want the farmer using THEIR COMPANY'S products.

I can see in the not too distant future that USDA and crop insurance programs will favor or outright require bio-tech seeds be grown. We've already seen a little of the favoritism with BT endorsement pilot programs. )  end quote

they want the Farmer working for Their Shareholders around the world.

and yes, We may see the day soon when every Input is solely controlled by our Government agency's, EPA  -  etc. etc.

this is a very political  $$$$ driven issue from the Land grant colleges and beyond. Around the World. 

Be aware of the Terms ( Fair  )   &   ( Wealth distribution )  for the sake of the Peoples of the world.

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