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Why does Monsanto have such a negative public image compared to the other seed companies?
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Posted 1/3/2012 20:47 (#2141449 - in reply to #2140152)
Subject: Re: Why does Monsanto have such a negative public image compared to the other seed companies?

Eastern Wyoming
Tom- I think you may have hit the nail on the head... these agro-chem companies want control of virtually all aspects of the production process (except the real hard physical labor and risk of loss, of course) From the pre-plant chemical, seed, post emerge chemicals, harvest, and marketing, they want the farmer using THEIR COMPANY'S products.

I can see in the not too distant future that USDA and crop insurance programs will favor or outright require bio-tech seeds be grown. We've already seen a little of the favoritism with BT endorsement pilot programs.

I actually had a crop adjustor tell me during an adjustment on my conventional corn crop that I should have planted RR corn and that HE would consider that planting RR seed to be a "best farming practice" for my area, obviously implying that by raising conventional corn I didn't know what the hell I was doing.

I asked him to show me in the policy where I was required to plant RR corn, obviously, he couldn't. This guy was not just an adjustor, he was the supervisor for the other adjustors in a several state region. (and a jackass)

Obviously, I changed CI companies, but the fact that biotech seed, and all that goes with it, is pushed on farmers from every direction is becoming more than a little scary.

Maybe it's the blatant crony capitalism that GE seed companies engage in, and profit from, that leaves a bad taste in the mouths of many folks, from farmers to the tree huggers. Big M is the poster child for that.
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