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Why does Monsanto have such a negative public image compared to the other seed companies?
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Posted 1/3/2012 07:56 (#2140263 - in reply to #2140240)
Subject: Re: Pat, can you document this statement

North Central Ohio, across the Corn belt !

quote north Mo farm  ( I hate to give them the bad news, but without Monsanto there would be a whole lot more starving people in the world!)  end quote

that has to be the most Interestingly debatable statement I have seen to date on this site. Mr Mo.

When at the same time Our very government was paying farmers to leave Land Idle and to not produce a crop.  ?

and the Most productive ground across the nation has been gobbled up by housing and Industry.

taken out of production.  so You think Monsanto is the BIGGEST  ?  and they key to feeding the world ?

Monsanto Has made Life for some individual farmers easier for a time. maybe One generation. 

concerning weed control. 

Think back when the Land grant colleges, seed foundations and Individual seed company's had control of the Genetics. ?

and what % of production cost went to seed expenses each season. for the individual farmer.

There was Prosperity on the Farm in America and peoples around the world were fed before the 

Surge and Purge of Monsanto.

IF Monsanto did not exist. ?  wowwww, would we all starve ?

absolutely  NOT

Edited by soil-life 1/5/2012 09:45
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