| Austin - 12/28/2011 19:52
The newer ones must be better, mines a 97 I think.
Volvo started cranking out the new VNL/VNM series in '98. Light years ahead of the older model trucks.
I love our Volvo! As others have stated great visibility, turning radius, and ride! As well as other great features! I have no real first hand experience with their motor but I've always wondered if they were reliable. Our truck has an N14 Cummins in it. Unless you are set on the truck you are looking at, you might shop around a bit there are quite a few Volvo trucks running around with Cummins and Detroit motors. Finding a CAT motor in a Volvo would be very difficult to find. I have a buddy that use to be a mechanic at a Volvo dealer. He always said there were just as many broken down motors with the big 3 as there was with Volvo. |