Eastern Ontario | Here are most of the provinces. They are all less than 10 K. Just add your dot with PAINT. If you have any trouble, just e-mail me and I'll put a dot on the map for you. Let me know the town.
(nova_scotia (152 x 151).jpg)
Attachments ---------------- alta.GIF (3KB - 1033 downloads) bc.GIF (6KB - 1054 downloads) man.GIF (3KB - 1093 downloads) nb.GIF (5KB - 1015 downloads) nfld.GIF (6KB - 1042 downloads) nova_scotia (152 x 151).jpg (4KB - 1007 downloads) ont.GIF (5KB - 1074 downloads) pei.GIF (4KB - 1001 downloads) que.GIF (7KB - 997 downloads) sask.GIF (3KB - 970 downloads)
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