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Stealing farmers' money
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blue collar
Posted 11/24/2011 21:48 (#2066790 - in reply to #2066719)
Subject: Re: Stealing farmers' money

He's not wrong redman. once the cwb has our grain, they have to compete against several other nations like the us, australia and so on. the likes of japan and china do not HAVE to buy from cwb because they purchased the grain from the farmer thru a monopoly. they have to fight for the sale like in the real world, and they are piss poor at it. you can go to the states 90% of the time and find higher prices than in the praires for wheat, barley and durum, but it seldon pays to haul open market grains like oats, peas, flox south of the border, why do you think that is so? why have crops like oats flourished in acres and value added processing since they were pulled out from under the board? But to be fair I will pretend to side with you for one second (pay attention cuz it won't last long) and we'll say the open market doesn't get us one dime more than the cwb. there thats the end of our cooperation. now i'll carry on.... if the open market price is still the same versus the cwb what value do you put on being able to decide the time of the sale, the need for additional cashflow in peak seasons, the ability to do whatever you want, when you want to, for whatever price (aka freedom). even for no extra profit I would be grateful to have this freedom. surely you expect and appreciate the freedom other parts of our daily lives gives us, otherwise you are long past being a socialist, your much further off track than we think. you are quite well spoken, very educated in history so obviously you are not stupid, possibly resistant to change, but not stupid. why do you feel you could market your own peas, lentils, cattle, canaryseed etc. but you are incapable of marketing your own wheat as good as someone from downtown winnipeg who wouldn't know what our cost of production is if it hit them in the face. gain some confidence and chart your own course in this world, don't rely on some meathead in winnipeg who doesn't even know you to dictate your future. without the cwb some may sink, lots will swim, but that is what true democracy is about.

Also you pro cwb people have claimed harper is not acting in a demoratic fashion for ignoring the results of the last cwb vote. that vote was a joke. people who have been dead for years get a vote, 100 year old landlords get a vote, lots of people who shouldn't be. if you own shares in a public corporation you get more votes for more shares that you own. why does one guy who crop shares 1/4 section get the same vote as a 10, 20 or 30,000 acre family farm that is incorporated with only one permit book get. they have more skin in the game, so should get more votes. thats true democracy. also as far as harper ramming this through parliment, how redman was it put into place. was there vote way back when with every dead person and old landlord getting a vote? plus the people of canada gave the conservatives a majority gov't, that in itself is allowing him to do this. he was voted in on the platform of removing the cwb, he did not pull this so called stunt was elected, he was right upfront about it, not something most other politicians could say about themselves. I believe the results from a federal election are of equal or more importance when compared to a vote that the cwb organizes.
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