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Envizio & Hardi ?
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Pete Bailey
Posted 6/18/2006 21:20 (#20415 - in reply to #19866)
Subject: RE: Hardi Wiring

you wire the latching relay so the soliond on/off wires trigger the set and reset on the latching relay. When you get the latching relay, if you can't work it out. post a diagram and i will tell you how to wire it.

Our company recently developed a kit for the Pilot touch pad so it could be controlled by AutoSPRAY. this same kit could be used to convert the keypad to toggle switches, but at this stage it has only just been released in Australia, i dont know what the plans are for overseas.

The other option is that Hardi did release a keypad that uses toggle switches for the sections, i know there aren't many around in australia, but if you ask enough hardi people you may find one. then it is just a quick swap of keypads and it will work.
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