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Sprayer lightbar recommendations?
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Posted 6/16/2006 09:22 (#19853 - in reply to #19447)
Subject: RE: Sprayer lightbar recommendations?

A Trimble 132 on a 100 mile or closer beacon will do this. If the rows were not made with rtk you will have to adjust for that. You may have to adjust 132 for drift every few hours. We also have Raven 210's, They might do this but you would have to adjust it on the row right before you turned every time. There is a big difference in drift between the different brands. You have triple beacon coverage where you are, but I dont think any are within 100 miles. See if a Trimble dealer will demo a 332 on beacon (the 132 has been replaced by the 332). It might work even at longer distances to the beacon. If it wont then the 332 can use Onmistar hp or xp (different antenna and yearly subscription). I do not believe any waas corrected gps unit is capable of doing this.
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