NW Ohio | Scout, I wasn't diagreeing with you and what you are saying is true. Ohio is not IL that is very true. We don't have the same soil or the same growing season so we most likely don't have the same pest levels you do. I also said that that traits work very well in some parts of the country but for us the yield advantage ran out about 5 years ago. I'm not telling anyone not to plant traits. I will still plant some my self next year. For those of you who get real value out of planting traited corn, by all means keep planting it. I think theres a good chance that because of all the traits you boys to the west of us plant we have seen less of these insects. You kill 'em and they can't fly east sounds good to me. I guess my comment was meant to thank you for helping stop the problem before it gets here. If you continue to use all this tech. then maybe I won't have to use it as much. Thats all I meant. Keep doing what your doing. Do what works for you. It's been proven many times, that what works here may not apply there or anywhere. I don't know what your farms aph is but around here we run in the 150's for the most part not 190's or 200's. We are just look for ways to cut costs and right now traits are the easiest thing for us to cut. Five years from now if or when the bugs come back so will the traits. Like I said not a total abandunment of tech. Just a slow down in it's use. | |