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Dekalb Traited corn--I've had it!
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 9/29/2011 22:48 (#1984552 - in reply to #1984040)
Subject: RE: Dekalb Traited corn--I've had it!

Chebanse, IL.....

I won't flame, I'll just tell how it used to be here. We were on 50/50 rotation. We planted all non-gmo...that's all there was. CRW ran rampant. Sometimes granulars worked, sometimes not. CRW larvae actually developed worse in 1st yr corn following sb. That was well-known documented phenominon. Then you'd hit those little golden-yellow, striped bugs (aka CRW beetles) all summer long following silking. I used to fly a lot & was amazed how bad the plane's leading edges & windshields would get w/CRW beetles in the summer. We'd hit them all the way up to 14-15,000' or more. They'd ride the air currents up....and across the country.

That was then.

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