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Dekalb Traited corn--I've had it!
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Posted 9/29/2011 17:36 (#1984040 - in reply to #1983502)
Subject: RE: Dekalb Traited corn--I've had it!

Eastern Ont

PRO SCOUT - 9/29/2011 07:37

What people fail to realize is the benefit of a large area planting these Bt crops.

If 10-15 years ago we had a drought like we had in east central Illinois this summer, the rootworm beetles would have annihilated the roots, then chewed off all of the silks causing massive pollination problems, then European Corn Borer would have chewed into the stalks and ears causing stalk breakage and ear loss.

Not disputing your findings....but I, for one, am glad that these products have beens used over such a large scale the last 10 years to lower the populations of these pests. Most everyone planting them has resulted in less headaches for everyone. And less insecticide use. IMHO

I dont think it has lowered the populations at all

It is amazing  what happens if you have a crop rotation, if you rotate out of corn even for one year

Been growing non gmo varieties for 3 years now  with no problems  Neighbour field 3rd year continuous corn, had  root worm problems,  go figure

I guess maybe continous corn in itself is its own enemy.

Flame away

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