Blue Earth, MN | 2 different fields we have picked in the last 4 days. The first was split planter DKC48-12 smartstack and DKC44-92. First year corn on corn environment, strip till, 1/2 rate insecticide in furrow, good fertility. The 44-92 had a yield of 208 dry bushels, and the 48-12 had a yield of 203. I though was just a fluke and would probably be classified as "statistically insignificant". However, I haven't been able to come up with a good excuse for the justification of +50 dollars per acre of extra seed cost.
Second strike came last night. Was watching the combine pick corn (I was watching from grain cart tractor) and though "this is tremendous corn". Upon downloading data to computer, it was determined the "tremendous corn" was 44-92. This time up against 51-85. 44-92 had an average yield of 204 dry BPA. The 51-85 had an average yield of 184. Side by sides and replicated.
I've had it with traited corn. Proof is in the puddin!
I've got a good feeling I know when the 3rd strike is coming...our 52-62 looks aweful good!!! Hate to see that spank 53-78! That will be embarrassing!
It's all about the insecticide. Go Iron Fist!
We had 44-92 last year by itself and it yielded 231 bpa with a 1/2 rate of infurrow insecticide and a 1/2 rate of aerial insecticide. Some of the best corn we've ever harvested in terms of stalk quality.
Edit 3:
DeKalb dealers feel free to blast away!
Edited by scmn_06 9/29/2011 03:10
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