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Repairing JD orginal brown box display
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Posted 6/15/2006 17:10 (#19720 - in reply to #19716)
Subject: Re: Repairing JD orginal brown box display

Grand Rapids, MI
Agreed that the original starfire will work. I had a client run this all spring. IIRC though there was a bit of an issue, perhaps the same as trickynick had. He was running both the old brown box and a new 2600 so that he could do field doc with split planter on the 2600 and his seed star on the old one. I think everytime he turned the tractor back on he had to unplug the harness on the back of the 2600 to do a hard restart to get it to recognize the GPS signal. It is my understanding that JD is supposed to be fixing that problem.

On a broader note, this is the second thread I have responded to in the last week where a customer has gotten the wrong information from their dealer on what is really a very basic question. One would expect that the dealers should be the gold standard of knowledge on this stuff, but it appears many are misleading their customers. My clients have reported the same thing with their dealers. Each time the dealer if the customer would have taken the dealers advise it would have resulted in costing them significantly more $. Now I know there are some bad dealers out there, but I suspect this is not the problem in most cases. I would speculate that JD just is not doing a good job of communicating both with their dealers, or especially with us, thier end users. JD has done many things to go in the right direction in the last couple years, but if they want to stay as a serious player in the precision ag game, they are going to have to get their hands around this problem, or someone else is going to eat their lunch someday.
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