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JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.
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Posted 6/14/2006 22:36 (#19524 - in reply to #19269)
Subject: PCMCIA adapter with Compact Flash Card

Rawlins County Kansas
Chad, about anyplace that carries compact flash cards (even target) carries these adapters. I usually get mine from TigerDirect or NewEgg when I'm ordering something else anyway. They are handy because you don't have to have an ancient PCMCIA reader (which aren't that abundant anymore) to read data cards on your desktop computer while almost all laptops have the PCMCIA slot, but no compact flash slot.

I've run a combine before where I had to put the data card in and then screw the mobile processor to the mount (mount was too close to cab roof). With a big card (256+) you can store a whole years data pretty much if you want. The big cards are really nice in the sprayer because I don't have time to be running around cleaning off data cards all of the time and we can store a whole season on one card.

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