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Autofarm A5 compared to others
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Posted 6/13/2006 21:58 (#19285 - in reply to #19151)
Subject: RE: Autofarm A5 compared to others

I have two autofarms one is an A5 and the other the earlier in cab model.I am a broadacre farmer in Victoria and have used the system for 3 years.The A 5 is dual and runs in my SP sprayer the other is in the seeding tractor a 8400 JD. Both work extremely well and have had very few problems.Talk to the Guys at GPSAG and they will look after you.The service I have received has been exceptional. We crop a lot of Lentils here and sow them between our 12" rows of cereal straw no problems .And yes they will steer in reverse. Hope this has helped.
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