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EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450
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Posted 6/13/2006 16:37 (#19224 - in reply to #19072)
Subject: Re: EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450

Sunnyvale, CA
to mount on a sloping hood, a wedge of wood cut to the proper angle and a bit of tape will allow you to see if there is any improvement in the guidance compared to the roof mount. Once you can evaluate the hood location, then you can decide what to do permanently.

the setup distance antenna to 4WD articulation point is important so try to get the measurement correct, whever it is located on the hood or on the front of the cab roof.

this year there have been some holes in the GPS constellation with periods of higher than usual HDOP which could make for less than stellar performance, so comparing SF2 performance from a different time may lead to an incorrect conclusion about how well a GPS/autosettring system is operating.
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