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JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.
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Posted 6/13/2006 09:36 (#19176 - in reply to #18942)
Subject: RE: JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.

Rawlins County Kansas
We have 9600's, but have leased 9650's in the past and have used ONLY JDOFFICE (no APEX). As someone mentioned, only with 50 and 60 series combines with the new grain-tank mounted moisture sensor do you need Harvest Doc. So you will have to check on that with your 9650.

We have used even low-end Garmin handheld recievers without external antennas to yield map on our 9600's.

On the Mobile Processor Pin F is used for RS232 (serial port) communication. This wire can be hooked up to the TX wire from any GPS. Pin C is then used for the ground. I have spliced DB9 connectors on our combines because we are often needing the Starfire recievers for planting at the same time and that way I can use any gps on the yield mapping side of things.

I would call some other dealers up and see if you can still get a free copy of JDOFFICE. They gave it away for years, so I'm guessing there are still boxes full of copies somewhere, it's just a matter of finding a dealer willing to work with you. The first step is seeing where your moisture sensor is located. If it's on the grain-tank, then you may be out of luck (regarding the ability to use free JDOFFICE), however there should still be no problems using a non-JD gps receiver with this setup (unless JD has made a change to make things more proprietary).

Good luck,

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