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Help with AgLeader Yield Monitor 2000
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Posted 6/13/2006 09:34 (#19175 - in reply to #19127)
Subject: RE: Help with AgLeader Yield Monitor 2000

You can use up to a 4MB card in a YM2000, but most people run 2MB. Set your logging interval out to at least 2 seconds maybe 3 to make the card run longer before having to read it into a computer.

The YM2000 is not as user friendly as the PF series, which is not as user friendly as the new Insight. To upgrade to a PF series head requires no changing of the wiring, you just unplug the YM2000 (as long as it is the YM2000 and not the CaseIH version of it) and plug in a PF.

The other posters advice on checking for wear on the flow sensor and moisture sensor is a good idea. The auger mount moisture sensor went away for two reasons, it caused the sensor to wear out faster and it was throwing out gear boxes on the augers. Switching to an elevator mount will cost about $600 if you buy new and your moisture sensor is still good.

Some models of combines also have a deflector plate at the top of the clean grain elevator, just in front of the flow sensor (what measures the weight). Those can weat out after a few years of use also. If that or the flow sensor is becoming worn out, you will calibrate constantly and never get the system to be consistant.
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