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Autofarm A5 compared to others
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Posted 6/13/2006 07:39 (#19151)
Subject: Autofarm A5 compared to others

Home Hill North Queensland Australia
Hi All,
I have a friend who is looking at one of these. I was talking to him tonight & was wondering what I had read about them or knew of them. I had to say, "not much" as they don't seem to be mentioned on here to much. So I said I would post the question. This unit would be used 99% of the time on irigated, lasered, Straight rows. He is looking also at a new 6920 to put it on. It will be RTK with a Dual Frequency A5 Base station. He has demoed the unit & likes what he see's but knows very little about what he supposed to be looking at ( like Me ) so would like to hear of others experiences. Another Question is can it steer while going backwards.
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