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JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.
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Posted 6/12/2006 23:32 (#19089 - in reply to #18942)
Subject: Re: JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.

Grand Rapids, MI

DO NOT let your JD dealer tell you that you need a starfire can hook up most GPS recievers to it. I am 99% certain that you can hook up your ez-guide. I certainly hope your JD dealer is just misinformed..not intentionally misleading you to get you to buy their hardware. not let anyone tell you you need anything more than sub-meter accuracy for your yield monitoring. Bottom line is the way the graing mixes together in the head and machine..there is absolutely no way for the yeild monitoring system to record the yeild any more accurately than that anyway.

I am not sure about the Harvest Doc, but I think I have been told that for the newer hardware you need it if you want to record for later download.

As for the JDOffice, I will check when I get to my office if I have the user license. Most software can be sold to another user with some restrictions (like you need to transfer the original disk, paperwork, etc.) However since JD used to give away JDOffice the terms may be significantly different than most software. I would certainly say that from my (admittedly limited) experience and the general impression I have gotten from others here...if you dont have to buy Apex, I would not.

As for being dumb questions...absolutely not. JD in my experience has been very poor with communication regarding their precision ag stuff. You are certainly not the first person whose dealer gave them the wrong answers.
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