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Genetic diversity in Kochia
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Ed Boysun
Posted 8/12/2011 09:21 (#1908793 - in reply to #1908686)
Subject: RE: Genetic diversity in Kochia

Agent Orange: Friendly fire that keeps on burning.

24-D doesn't work very well on kochia here anymore. The only reason I used chem fallow this year was because of extreme wet for so long making it impossible to till earlier or in this case, plant. All I really intended to do with the spray was to set the weeds back until it was dry enough for the Flexi-Coil. Agronomist did recommend a splash of Dicamba to touch up on the kochia but I told him I'd use FE26 for that and he figured that would work too. I'm actually well pleased with how well this tank mix worked on other fields. One of the last fields I sprayed had kochia nearing 4 feet high, along with a mix of other weeds. After 4 weeks, every one of the weeds on that patch looked like they were put in the oven and baked for a couple hours on 450. Very impressive. The main reason for the touch of E99 is that I'm starting to see a few Russian Thistle patches. Not much works on thistle anymore either, but E99 does.

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