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EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450
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Posted 6/12/2006 21:58 (#19043 - in reply to #18863)
Subject: Re: EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450

Sunnyvale, CA
from our Field engineer/expert installer:

If using GreenStar ITC receiver….disable the integrated tilt compensation sensors. Setup GreenStar GPS receiver to output NMEA GGA & VTG messages at 5hz at 38400 8-N-1. Setup EzGPlus lightbar input = External GPS, 38400 8-N-1.

Angle/Turn = 17
Freeplay = 0.25 - 1.5 inch. To calibrate freeplay……go into the Ez-Calibration, start with a large number (i.e. 3.00 inches) and reduce until front engine hood of tractor stops slowly moving side-to-side.
Axle/Antenna offset = measure antenna's distance ahead of articulation pivot point, approximately 60 inches. Ignore text on lightbar screen.
Agressiveness = 110-125%
Antenna Height = approximately 138 inches
Wheelbase = measure from front axle to rear axle, approximately 138 inches
Motor Speed = Man High or Man Med

Best location for antenna is on top front of engine hood. Mount antenna level. Make certain to use correct antenna height and axle/antenna forward offset from articulation pivot point.
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