 Leesburg, Ohio | Had a YM2000 from about '93 to '98 when the PF3000 was introduced...liked it just fine. The 3000 has a nicer screen/interface, and I think more controller capabilities, but as far as yield monitoring, the 2000 was just as good as the 3000 as far as I can recall. I think I still have the manuals for the 2000 if you need info.
With the AgLeader monitors, we calibrate at the beginning of harvest, and when conditions change significantly, (drier grain, change in test weight, etc.) we change to a new grain type (e.g. corn to corn1 or corn2) and recalibrate. That way we can stay accurate as conditions change, but we don't mess up the calibration for the earlier part of harvest with the conditions that were valid then.
Check the paddle for wear on the grain mass sensor in the clean grain elevator. The older ones with stainless paddle would wear thin and change the sensitivity and accuracy. They replaced most of those with rubber/synthetic covered ones. Also, if you have the moisure sensor in the bubble-up auger in the bin, you may want to consider updateing to put the sensor in the side of the clean grain elevator...dry corn and wheat were ususally no problem, but beans, and sometimes very wet corn would gum up the sensor surface and area around it and cause erratic readings. The elevator mount solved the problem.
Good luck.
Edited by KDD 6/12/2006 13:34
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