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JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.
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Posted 6/12/2006 11:49 (#18942)
Subject: JD Greenstar yield mapping help needed.

We have a Greenstar in a 9650STS that I would like to upgrade to be able to do mapping. I have bought a used mobile processer and key card. I tried to get a copy of JD Office from local dealer but was told it was no longer available and have to get Apex($400). Dealer also said I would need a starfire receiver and harvest doc ($3000). I have a trimble ez guide in another application. He said the trimble globe could not be used on the greenstar. I guess what I am asking is there a cheaper route and what do I actually need to make this work. And does anyone know how I could get a copy of JDOffice. Do I need harvestdoc and keycard to make this work. Thanks. Sorry if these are dumb questions.
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