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EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450
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mike treweeke
Posted 6/12/2006 04:29 (#18863)
Subject: EZ Steer settings for TJ/STX 450

Nth New South Wales Australia

Have now got T2 fitted to EZ Steer that was not going too well a couple of months ago.Still running off Greenstar receiver and SF2 signal.We have got it calibrated as per manual but I would love to hear from anyone who has one of these in either a TJ or STX and is happy with their setup.If possible could you share your settings as it seems the recommended ones are a long way off sometimes.

The receiver is sitting forward of the cab over the front axle and box is mounted to floor on right hand side of seat.Would really like to get this to work but have yet to be convinced.Any help will be gratefully received.


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