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Is anyone using ZYNX?
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Posted 6/11/2006 20:43 (#18793 - in reply to #18633)
Subject: RE: Is anyone using ZYNX?

I know just enough about this stuff to be dangerous, but I bought a Zynx 20 this spring primarily for spraying and I really like it( didn't put a foamer on my new sprayer with 90' boom). I looked at all the systems out there and strongly considered the Ag Leader system. I all ready had a PF Advantage that I was using for a yield monitor and making as planted maps and have been very happy with it and the support. The Insight would be a good system but for me by the time I would have upgraded to the Insight and added direct command and then added say EZ-Guide I would have had a lot more money in it and I don't think EZ-Guide is even close to Zyink's basic guidance package. I have a lot of odd shaped fields, contours,and fields that have so many curves and rows planted different ways that even I get lost after dark, but the Zynk seems to handle it well and the auto section control is great too. I'm not sure but I don't think Kee(Zynk)has yield monitors out yet. I can't help you with the auto steer or vrt part, but Dan at Kee's Sioux Falls office has been very good to work. Both the Zynxs and Insight have a lot of capabilities I would not be afraid of the Zynx at all but everyone's situation and needs are different
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