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Do Trimble tilt sensors make in-line corrections?
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Don Smith
Posted 6/11/2006 10:11 (#18655 - in reply to #18625)
Subject: Re: Do Trimble tilt sensors make in-line corrections?

Centre county Pennsylvania, USA

Attached picture emphasizes the need to have the best accuracy available to these other devices. It shows that sidehill combine levels machine in our hills OK but we can't find sidehill tractors or sprayers. We don't even use sidehill combines any more, modern combines have sufficient capacity that sidehill is no longer needed. That's big improvement, sidehill kits gave more problems than all other parts on combine. I known that midwest farmers all have flat fields but I think plenty of HEL farmers will soon be using EZ. Incredibly, EZ seems to steer true course on hills shown in picture but true course performance will be difficult to prove, at least until Trimble upgrades EZ firmware for roll compensated logging.

(Fall in PA 3.JPG)

Attachments Fall in PA 3.JPG (42KB - 774 downloads)
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