So. Al. | This may help some. A pin is inserted in a hole behind the starter,rotate engine until the flywheel starts to push the pin back out of the hole. As the engine reaches TDC. As you push on the pin and rotate it will go in a hole on the flywheel. This is TDC. A bolt can be screwed in the injection pump gear and in the camshaft gear. This allows you to change your timing belt and harmonic balancer which are a must for these engines. If you move the timing on this engine it will run hot or have no power. On the injection pump there is a tag that tells you the timing set,should be around 6.00. What ever it is you can set it 10 to 15 points higher,6.00 to6.15. It will increase your power but keeps your engine temp. Down. The most common cause of engine problems with this engine is the balancer and timing belt failure so best keep in good shape. The injection pump has to be set with a dial indicator and a plunger pin. Your local injection shop should have these tools. Email me if you more info. | |