Centre county Pennsylvania, USA | Interesting question. Chapter 7 of Trimble's Upgrade cabling Guide for EZ shows cabling configurations for the case where receiving, steering, and mapping is wanted. Seems to me that one, or more, of those configurations could be used to do what you want, but haven't tried it yet. I believe the EZGuide + display unit gets T2 corrected data, at least it's lighbar and track screens certainly are T2 corrected. I don't believe standard DB9 connectors use same pin for input and output, I think they use one pin for input (RX) and a different pin for output (TX).
Here is link to Trimble's Upgrade cabling guide for EZ, you might need to copy and paste link in your browser:
http://trl.trimble.com/docushare/dsweb/Get/Document-238744/AgGPSEZ-... |