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Round top barn hay loft removal
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Al Swearingen
Posted 5/22/2011 21:35 (#1786750 - in reply to #1786085)
Subject: RE: Round top barn hay loft removal

I'm in the process of the same thing also, my barn is a little different structure, but same idea. I hired Dave Ciolek ( ) as a consultant to tell me how to properly do the conversion, I ended up hiring him to do the work. He was as competitve as the local contractors, but he had the experiance the locals didn't (they were a little leary of doing it). He is from MI, but I know he is going to be back in Northern Iowa in June.

Here is mine, I just got the block walls cut out today:


Attachments 2011-05-22_13-36-41_31.jpg (47KB - 899 downloads)
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