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Astro gps providing gs signal to Ravens
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Don Smith
Posted 6/6/2006 07:53 (#17474 - in reply to #17391)
Subject: RE: Astro gps providing gs signal to Ravens

Centre county Pennsylvania, USA
No experience with Astro GPS speed signal to Raven controller but we are using Trimble GPS speed signal to Raven controller and are very happy with it's performance. I think (not sure) the Astro GPS speed sensor you have (Part No 01411) should work with Raven IF you can find/build 3 pin Weatherpak to 3 pin Conxall connector adapter AND uncut Astro's wire loop if it has been cut. I think that's what the attached screensnap showing Astro info on connection is saying, but not certain.

Edited by Don Smith 6/6/2006 08:14

(Astro GPS speed sensor connection types.jpg)

Attachments Astro GPS speed sensor connection types.jpg (39KB - 778 downloads)
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