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Astro gps providing gs signal to Ravens
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Ron..NE ILL..10/48
Posted 6/5/2006 23:13 (#17391)
Subject: Astro gps providing gs signal to Ravens

Chebanse, IL.....

Does anyone know if this little groundspeed gps sold by MicroTrak will send gs pulses to a Raven (440 or 600)? Seems like it would...but I'd need an adapter to go from 3 prong weatherpak on Astro to standard Raven round 3 prong.

Any experience? This is to just provide groundspeed in place of radar.

Here's short Operators manual from MicroTrak for Astro. They show a Raven plug on the end, but that's not the adapter I'm looking for. My Astro has the MT supplied 3 prong weatherpak.


Attachments astroII.jpg (14KB - 1817 downloads)
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